Why Choose Clean Skincare

by: Nina Slager

Skin That Sweats

If you sweat regularly as most active people do, you’re most likely familiar with acne, clogged pores, blackheads, or maybe even painful “blind” pimples. (Ouch!) Consistent sweating can wreak havoc on your skin, but you don’t have to let breakouts set back all your gains.

First, it’s important to take a look at how sport-induced acne breakouts begin in the first place. Sweat creates a warm environment for acne-causing bacteria to live out their best lives. Sweat; dirt, oil, makeup, and workout gear can trap toxins on the skin that can lead to breakouts on the face, back, shoulders, and other areas.

Why Choose Clean Skincare

Just like you take care of what you put into your body, you should take care of what you put on your face. “Ensure the products used are free of toxins, artificial dyes, artificial perfume, heavy metals, gluten, silicone, carcinogens, and phthalates. Sourcing high-quality ingredients are important in maintaining healthy skin. Simple is better.

Don’t Forget to Moisturize!

Just like your body needs water, your skin needs hydration too. The best form of hydration is hyaluronic acid. Make sure you apply a moisturizer at least once a day (preferably twice, morning and night) to help give your skin the nutrients it needs to refresh and regenerate. And always great to choose an oil free one!